How to get Digital Signature Certificate
Whether CCA issue Digital Signature Certificates to end-entities?
The Office of Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), issues Certificate only to Certifying Authorities(CAs). CAs issue Digital Signature Certificates to end-entities.
How do I get a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
One can approach any one of the Licensed CAs for getting a Digital Signature Certificate. The list of Licensed CAs is available at http://www.cca.gov.in/licensed_ca.html. The different categories of certificates offered by different CAs are listed at http://www.cca.gov.in/CAServicesOverview.html. The contact address of each CA and their help desk numbers are available in the disclosure record of each CA published at http://www.cca.gov.in/licensed_ca.html.
What are the identity verification options available to a DSC applicant?
The identity verification options available to a DSC applicant are:-
Which are the CAs issuing Class 2 and Class 3 DSCs to public at present? Please provide their contact details?
SL | Licensed CAs | EMAIL & PHONE |
1 | Safescrypt CA | Shankara[dot]narayanan[at]sifycorp[dot]com, 90032 77877 |
2 | nCode CA | ithead[at]ncode[dot]in, +91-79 4007300 |
3 | eMudhra CA | sales[at]emudhra[dot]com, +918046156901 |
4 | Capricorn CA | sales[at]Certificate[dot]Digital, +91 11 614 000 60 |
5 | Verasys(Vsign CA | huzefa[at]thanawala[at]verasys[dot]in, 9819315990 Madhumita[dot]harshe[at]verasys[dot]in, 9136040449 |
6 | IDSign CA | info[at]idsignca[dot]com, 1800-572-1734 |
7 | Pantasign CA | info[at]pantasign[dot]com, +91 9389807192 |
8 | XtraTrust CA | info[at]xtratrust[dot]com, 079-48488686 / 77790 31928 |
9 | ProDigiSign CA | support[at]prodigisign[dot]com, 7777090977,9370418998, devendra[dot]singh[at]prodigisign[dot]in |
10 | SignX CA | info[at]signxca[dot]com, 9622233007,9797625290 |
11 | Care4Sign CA | info[at]care4sign[dot]com, +91-84312 39191 |
12 | RISL (RajComp) CA | kumardeepak[dot]doit[at]rajasthan[dot]gov[dot]in, 0141-2928055 |
13 | Protean(NSDL e-GOV) | esign-help[at]proteantech[dot]in, nishan[at]proteantech[dot]in, & 022 4090 4242/40904232 |
14 | CDAC CA | ess[at]cdac[dot]in,jahnavib[at]cdac[dot]in & 9860263344, riship[at]cdac[dot]in & 7720002182 |
Why self attested documents are not accepted by CAs for DSC issuance?
Wherever self attestation has been facilitated as a part of submitting an Application for service, the original documents are required to be produced at the point of getting the service. In the case of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Applicants, they can directly approach Certifying Authorities (CA) at the CA premises with original supporting documents, in which case self-attestation of copies will be sufficient.
How does one know about the different classes of certificates offered by the Licensed CAs?.
The services offered by CAs are available on the website of each CA. The summary of service offered by CAs are available at http://www.cca.gov.in/cca/?q=CAServicesOverview.html..
Where can I find the Identity Verification and key storage requirements for different type and Class of Certificates?
The verification requirements are mentioned in the Identity Verification Guidelines (CCA-IVG) and Key generation and storage requirements are mentioned in Section 6.1.1 of X.509 Certificate Policy for India PKI (CCA-CP). Both documents are available at cca.gov.in
- Paper based application form and supporting documents(all attested)
- Aadhaar eKYC based verification for Aadhaar holder(no supporting documents are required)(no attestation)
- Banking KYC or eKYC. Banking eKYC is dependent on CAs tie-up with banks for getting electronic KYC information of banking customers.(no attestation required)